The top left photo is with teachers at GreenHill Academy. The top right photo is at Kitante Hill with the students. The second is at Gayaza High School during the first term in 2010 introducing the project.
This poetry schools' project is Beverley Nambozo Poetry Award’s collaborative plan with schools to promote development in the region. The proposal emphasizes the linkage of development to poetry. It highlights practical ways that students, can use poetry as a unique form of communication to sensitise their peers in the region on the importance of development. The student poets will use language which is most suitable for their fellow peers, they will emphasise the overall benefits of development practices like investment, the economy, saving culture and reading and writing culture. The poetry award will also emphasise promoting a reading and writing culture and poetry as investment for the future. The stakeholders involved are Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, founder of this project and GILGAL Family Network, that shall provide the art work, design and printing. There shall be eight secondary and primary schools taking part in the pilot project of 2010 in Kampala and Wakiso Districts. The poetry award schools project shall take part in the first, second and third school terms starting in 2010. After the submission of poems from the students, a panel of judges shall select the best poems and then print them on posters which shall then be distributed in schools to promote financial literacy in the region. The winning poems of shall be published into poetry magazines . These magazines shall then be distributed in the region for easy reading, promotion of poetry and literature. The schools I have visited so far are Gayaza High School, Green Hill Academy,both primary and secondary and Kitante Hill School. The award giving ceremonies shall take place in the second term.
Vision: A society immersed in poetry.
Mission: Reaching out to communities through poetry.