Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lent: One good girl and three bad men

Lent: One good girl and three bad men.

They came and poured themselves into my every space that flowed with goodness. One of them saw my inter-connectedness with writers, publishers and academics and swooped in. When he was done with sucking my blood, the rest hovered above like vultures.

The next, on seeing me wounded, used the opportunity to soothe my pain with health products, after which he said that they will cost 20,000 Kenya Shs but if I registered under his name, I could make that in three weeks. I sold many health products in his name and the money was wired to his account. You can guess what he wires to my account, good experience, opportunity of a life-time and a free T-shirt. That’s the T-shirt I wear to dance zumba in my living room. I can’t afford the gym or health products anymore ever since all the money was wired to his account.

The third runs one of the most publicized business shows in East Africa. He asked me to edit his book. We discussed at length what it would take. After two months, I am still waiting for the cheque. I should have fled from this gang-bang when this person told me he wanted to bring Shakira and Beyoncé to perform at a large football stadium. His up market over polished over-sized pointed brown shoes against his purple socks and black tuxedo that Tuesday evening should have been the warning sign. He is wearing shoes too big for him.

The fourth in this hideous gang-bang wanted to see what it would be like with his sister. The one whose organization I have been giving free publicity. My friend told me that I should stop giving people and organizations publicity. Anyway, she came to ex-communicate me, stating that the publicity had given them all the funding they needed. Lent.

I am still doing zumba in my living room.

Lent brings discernment. It opens spirituality and draws us closer to the truth.


  1. And the trials make us stronger and wiser and better prepared the next time round. Some one once said "God does not use you greatly until you are hurting deeply" well, the statement is not entirely true but the deep hurts prepare us for great victories, for how can we mentor and train others when we haven't experienced the dark hours ourselves.

    1. Thanks Mrs. O. The battles train us for greater ones especially when we know that the battle belongs to Him and it's not by power or might.
