Poetry Festival guest-NGATIA BRYAN. Ngatia
Bryan is a performance artist, poet,
writer and filmmaker based in Nairobi, Kenya. His performances blend
storytelling with poetry in a very unique manner. He goes by the moniker
“Ngartia” while performing. This, he insists, contrives the art that lives
within him. The Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation is honoured to partner with Praxis Magazine to interview our #Babishai2016 guests on a weekly basis.
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Ngati Bryan-courtesy photo |
Explain if you are you the poet you
wanted to be 5 years ago.
Am I the poet I wanted to be five years ago? No. And
that is a good thing. Five years ago, I had no clue what kind of poet I wanted
to be, I was reading a lot and writing a lot, but I had just gotten introduced
to performance and it was changing the way I perceived self
expression. There are things that the me from days past thought I'd have
done by now, like publish, that I haven’t accomplished yet. There are things
I'm doing now that that guy couldn't even imagine. Like writing material for
over an hour long performance and following it through.
Poetry is subjective and yet all
talent needs to be nurtured. How has this fact influenced your work?
I think subjectivity is the poetry's strongest pillar
actually; the fact that personal feelings and views are so intrinsic to the
art. If we were all only aspired to objectivity, then our work would sound like
reports and investigative journalism.
My writing is for me, primarily. I need my biases, loves
and distaste to hold a position of influence so I can keep myself rooted. I
write to see myself, understand how I relate with the universe, how I think,
make another baby step at this endless journey of self discovery. It is being
subjective that puts the human touch in art. Else, it wouldn't touch people so.
And would it really matter then?
Realizing the essence of writing for myself lead to me producing work I
am more in touch with. I don’t want to look back ten years from now and wonder
how the heck I managed to be so pretentious.
Tell us a bit about Storyzetu and
what your greatest desire for it is?
Storyzetu.com is a blog dedicated to providing a free and uncensored
platform for young, emerging and established African voices in art. We put up
fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction and op-eds almost on a daily basis. We
are also quite active on facebook, twitter, instagram and will be launching our
YouTube channel soon. Recently, we joined the vibrant performance space that is
Nairobi with concept events geared towards encouraging experimentation and pushing
It is run by a team of four. Hellen Masido, Tonny Muchui, Mutwiri Njagi
and I. We initially meant it to be a place for us to collaboratively push our
writing, but we soon realized the potential it held and followed that instead.
Our desire is to host writing that sparks changes and influences
progressive discussions in Africa. We hope to help in the continuous challenging
of established retrogressive systems of thought and in the process; help young
writers and performing artists develop their voices.
Storyzetu will be conducting a
three-day spoken word workshop during the #Babishai2016 Poetry Festival. Tell
us a bit about that.
In collaboration with Babishai-Niwe, we reached out to a number of Kenyan
spoken word artists who have been instrumental in shaping the Kenyan
Performance Poetry scene and they have agreed to attend the festival. The idea
is for the workshop to be more of a thought exchange with our counterparts from
around Africa who will be present during the festival.
American Spoken Word is big online. We all draw inspiration or are
influenced by it, whether directly or unconsciously. Some of the questions we
hope to explore are: How do we make our scene as big? How do we get our voices
heard? How authentic is our work? What have we learnt so far? How do use that
to map out our future? How do we improve our performance and writing skills?
What we are hoping, is to take the chats that artists have while walking
home from gigs and throw them around for discussion, re-examine them and face
what we fear most in them.
Why was it important for you to
accept our invitation?
Other than the thought of Ugandan food? I attended the Kampala
International Theatre Festival late last year and was enthralled by the piece
of Uganda’s art scene that I was privileged to experience.
That aside, I watched the festival unravel online last year and was quite
excited by what was happening. Having read A Thousand Rising Voices and Boda
Boda Anthem, the opportunity to work alongside those who have made that
possible was quite thrilling. I also can’t wait to interact with artists from
other countries… And of course Beverly can be quite convincing. Not that I
needed much of it…
What are the two main subjects you
find yourself constantly writing about?
Social issues and human relationships.
How do you feel towards art for
social change?
Change in inescapable; we are in constant evolution. Art has the
responsibility to be the crest of that wave – to lead the park into the next
level of thought and perception – right there next to science and philosophy.
Artists need to be progressive thinkers; we have the ability to touch the
depths that other disciplines may not reach. We are with the people, therefore
should speak to the people and for the people. Fight for them and talk to them
at the same time.
Art cannot run from addressing social change, and I am glad it cannot.
We look forward to hosting you. Any
concluding remarks?
Does plantain have to be in season? If yes, will it be in season in
August? Because the last time I was in Kampala, I couldn’t have enough of that.
Babishai Poetry Festival
Email: festival@babishainiwe.com
Tel: +256 751 703226
Twitter: @BNPoetryAward
Babishai Poetry Festival
Email: festival@babishainiwe.com
Tel: +256 751 703226
Twitter: @BNPoetryAward
Hello Beverley. This looks amazing and wonderful. Thank you for this wonderful blog. I look forward to seeing updates. I have set up a publishing company in Kampala called Marabou Editions Ltd. We aim to publish African authors and to give them a voice abroad. We employ Ugandans for all the technical stuff. We believe in creating employment locally as well as giving good African writers a voice. Best Regards, Owen Burnham www.marabou-editions.uk